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Click Here for a Message From the Worshipful Master

These are difficult times as we are coping with the quarantine resulting from the COVID-19 virus.  All Masonic meetings in California have been suspended at the direction of the Grand Master in compliance with the requirements of various governmental entities.  That means that the April 28 meeting of Golden Compasses Research Lodge has been postponed.  However, we will use this situation to take advantage of the opportunity to meet online via Zoom.  Your research lodge now has a subscription to Zoom, and on April 28 at 7:00 pm our members will have an opportunity to attend a lecture on the Internet, and join in the subsequent discussion online as well.  So although we cannot meet in person we will hold a virtual meeting instead.  Instructions on how to do so will be sent out to our members beforehand, so watch for something to come in your email inbox.


The presentation on April 28 will be by our Junior Warden, Bro. Mike Perry.  Mike is an up-and-coming Masonic scholar who has researched the origin of our three-degree system in blue lodge Masonry.  He will share the results of his research online via Zoom beginning at 7:00 pm.  You won’t want to miss his insightful thoughts about why we have three degrees in Ancient Craft Masonry, and how we got them.


I am sure that your primary lodge has reached out to you during these difficult times.  If you, or any Mason that you know, needs help, don’t hesitate to contact the Worshipful Master of your lodge.  Freemasonry is, above all, a brotherhood, and that makes us “family.”  Your research lodge will continue to provide interesting and informative presentations during the time when we need to remain at home, and so please mark your calendar as the events are announced.


For questions about your research lodge, or its activities, please contact us at  Or you can reach me personally at, or on the telephone at (650) 224-9189.


Sincerely and fraternally,


John L. Cooper III, PGM

Master of Golden Compasses Research Lodge